Web pages can range from simple information pages to complex pages for e-commerce. They are deeply integrated into your business. Your site should be attractive enough to increase customer interest. It will result in increased revenue for your business.
The scope of e-commerce goes from small websites that offer information about corporations, to websites that offer online products and services.
E Commerce website development is the process of creating an e-commerce website store that responds to user actions, assists customers in purchasing and returning goods. It also accepts online payments, provides a seamless online shopping experience. It addresses technical aspects of the online store such as page load speed and SEO and has an optimized schema.
Do you know what’s more difficult than creating an eCommerce website? The cognition of losing it.
The damage due to the complete loss of hardware can never be as great as the damage due to irretrievably lost business data. World statistics say that 60% of all companies that experience this huge loss go bankrupt within 3 months!
Irreversible loss of business data no management of any company can afford.
Photo by Mark König on Unsplash
Very often, companies do not have reliable tools to protect against the loss of their data. Decision-makers do not have a sufficient level of awareness of the consequences that the loss of business data may have on their business. Managers do not understand how big this problem is until it occurs.
On the other hand, IT managers also bear responsibility. They do not make enough effort to explain the importance of these issues to the management and to warn them of the possible consequences.
Therefore, managers must speak the language of business to explain the threats that the loss of business data brings to the business. They need to suggest possible solutions to prevent damage to the company.
In this article, we bring you several solutions and depending on the type and needs of the business, you can choose a solution.
Basic data storage
The basic type of protection against data loss is Backup, and it is a solution that all companies, regardless of size, must have. Data loss can occur due to human error, infrastructure problems (e.g., due to data corruption on the storage system), or a catastrophic event in the data center (fire, flood, etc.). In addition to intolerance to data loss, companies choose a backup solution that can meet other challenges.
With remote backup, it is possible to buy new equipment and recover the business within a reasonable time. If companies have a backup, they must move the content out, at a reasonable distance from the primary location whether it is the physical transport of backup data or replication in a remote location.
You can do the backup completely or incrementally. Full backup involves copying and replicating all business data. Incremental backup involves saving changes to business data compared to the last copy. Incremental backup is performed more often, and complete replication is less often.
Backup dynamics depend on the sensitivity of the business to data loss. Thus, if it is a sensitive business, the backup solution must be such that the procedure is implemented in a way that does not interfere with business performance.
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash
Choice of solution
The choice of technology also depends on the required dynamics of data replication, as well as on the “weight” of the data itself. We can find numerous solutions on the market with different technological backgrounds.
In order to provide an adequate backup solution on our own infrastructure, it is necessary to first create a backup plan with replication dynamics and important indices. Also, to create a plan and provide a platform for testing backup data recovery. As well as to provide infrastructure in accordance with the plan, we choose a solution provider.
When it comes to solution design, it is significant to work based on the amount of data to be backed up. The solution is to enable a complete backup procedure and recovery from backup without disturbing the work dynamics.
A common solution is a backup on magnetic tapes, which are applied to a remote location on a daily basis. The main disadvantages of this solution are the hiring of additional labor and susceptibility to human error.
Another common form is remote location replication on more modern devices (virtual tape library). The trend that is definitely gaining more and more followers is backup as a cloud service.
This technology has given us the opportunity to provide backup for our business according to all standards. In practice, this solution usually does not get a pure cloud form, but the solution is integrated with the existing infrastructure and user capacity.
Cloud – the ideal solution
Backup cloud service provides the ability to fully verify and test recovery solutions, as well as the additional ability to verify on demand. Payment is made according to the volume of resources engaged. The solution becomes an economical service, fully aligned with the actual needs of users.
Complete independence from the hardware gives the possibility to recover the service (data) on the third infrastructure, even in case of destruction of the user’s infrastructure. By choosing a managed cloud, the user chooses to have continuous support during and outside working hours, as well as flexible service protection policies.
The frequency and type of backups are determined by the user according to the criticality of the service – duplication and compression provide a high frequency without a significant increase in data volume.
There is also data security in the cloud. Not all companies have the budget to afford the infrastructure they can get as a service in the cloud. In terms of meeting the standards in the development of data centers, the power of machines and software for protection and defense. There is a team of experts who will take care of the services.
Solutions for protection against loss of business data must be a consequence of business requirements. The business itself dictates the optimal solution. The requirements that backup and recovery solutions must first meet are that they are simple, in the sense that they are integrated and manageable. They should also provide complete data protection.
It is also important to reduce manual work and the possibility of human error. Data protection does not affect the work of production services, i.e., production services that are constantly available and whose performance is not affected by backup are needed.
We can see that creating backups entails a lot more than it appears at first glance. If you want your backup to genuinely perform its job and protect you from potential disasters, you’ll need to do your homework, run tests, and check in with it on a regular basis.
Don’t be frightened; once you’ve put everything up, it’ll be simple. Furthermore, if the worst happens, you will be grateful that you paid attention to it earlier.