
What’s the Purpose of a Polypectomy in Arizona?

A polypectomy in Arizona is a procedure that is performed to remove polyps – abnormal collections of tissue – from the inside of the large intestine. The procedure is relatively noninvasive and is typically performed at the same time as a colonoscopy. Many tumors of the colon develop as a benign growth before becoming malignant. A colonoscopy is initially performed to…
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Remove Endometrial Polyps in Just 5 to 10 Minutes With Polypectomy in Scottsdale

If you are pre- or post-menopausal and are experiencing abnormal vaginal bleeding, you may have endometrial polyps. The likelihood of developing these polyps seems to increase with age and risk factors for developing them include Tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast pump, hormone replacement therapy, hypertension, and obesity. Today we’re sharing a procedure to remove these uterine polyps…
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