Regardless of the commercial industry, you are in, humidity control can be a challenge than you may think. You may not have bought a humidifier because you think it’s costly, you are concerned about the maintenance costs or space is just not enough. If the humidity in the office is too low, then it can cause health problems among your employees due to dry air. On the other hand, if the humidity is too high, it can damage your company’s warehouse equipment.
Commercial room humidifiers ensure the indoors are more comfortable, protects equipment, and have numerous benefits in different environments. System designers have made several options for humidifying a commercial building. A company can opt for a centralized system, and in some instances, they can choose a localized system that is easier to install, use, and maintain. So, what should you consider to ensure you get the best commercial humidifier for your company?
Types of Commercial Humidifiers
- Direct Space Humidifiers
The most popular type of humidifier is the direct-space humidifier, and it can be placed anywhere. However, most of them are bulky and contain moving parts that present potential danger to employees working nearby. Since workers’ safety is a priority, you will need portable humidifiers, have no moving parts, are energy efficient, and have impressive features.
- In-Duct Humidifiers
If you have no space for a direct-space humidifier, it’s wiser to invest in a direct space humidifier. In-duct humidifiers can easily integrate with existing HVAC systems to control humidity without manual controls easily. Besides, it helps control mold, dust, and bacterial that can affect your employees’ health.
Choosing a Commercial Best humidifiers
When buying a commercial humidifier, you won’t only consider the environmental conditions, as there are other factors. For instance, you have to factor in the installation costs, maintenance costs, and consider your room size and more. Besides protecting workers’ health, a humidifier will also protect the building’s wood furnishings and structural integrity.
Before choosing a humidifier, you should also assess the available space and determine whether you need to install it in a single office or the entire building. Luckily, there is a wide array of these devices, which can run 24/7 before refilling them. Others also come with additional features such as low-water indicators, built-in hygrometers, and germ protection.
Benefits of Commercial Humidification
Some buildings require humidification, i.e., in museums and industrial setups where the right humidity helps preserve artifacts and equipment, respectively. But even in homes, humidity is essential to prevent illnesses and infections and protect the furniture from getting damaged.
Most commercial structures, such as office buildings, do not have humidification systems. This trend is less admirable since humidity is essential not only for the equipment but also for the people.
Air quality and office ventilation should be taken strictly in commercial buildings across the world. However, the US is not severe currently on this though engineers and manufacturers say that the country is on a positive trajectory towards passing stricter rules on humidification. Get a commercial grade ultrasonic humidifier to ensure the workplace is safer for everyone.